Step 1: Adding your account and profile to the ManageMyListings website.
Demonstration on how to create an account on
Welcome to, where we focus on helping realtors market their real estate properties online.
The first step to using this service is to create your account profile. This demonstration is 6.7 megs in size and may take
a little while to load fully.
To do this, just click the Sign Up button in the menu at the top of screen on the website.
In order to make your realty listings as personable as possible, and to help enchance your profile information, we ask you to fill in the form as completely as possible, although only the fields with the red asterix are required.
After you have entered your information, you can add a biography or welcome for visitors to see when they look at your profile. This helps add a personal feeling and helps to built trust, an important thing to consider for anything to do with online sales or marketing.
In order to prevent spam, we have added a security feature that requires you to enter the randomly generated number in the correct field before completing the account creation procedure.
Then you just click the button and your profile and account will be created. You will recieve a notification via email upon it's successful completion.
You can then login to your account to access the add listings, edit listings, or modify profile options.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!