FREE Commercial listings, Commercial Property, business, industrial, and development lands. Internet listings for realtors and real estate agents |
Viewing our Commercial listings, Commercial Properties, businesses, industrial, and development lands:
To view the Commercial listing of your choice please click the thumbnails
include (""); ?>
$header = "no";
$query = "Select sold, price, address, city, bedrooms, bathrooms, salespitch, mls, folder, realtor_id, subarea from listing_manager where category = 'Commercial' and sold != '1' order by LPAD(price,7,'0') ASC";
$query2 = mysql_query($query);
while ($query3 = mysql_fetch_array($query2)) {
if ($header == "no") { echo "Catagory: Commercial | Properties | Business | Industrial | Development Opportunities | | "; }
$header = "yes";
$realtor_id = $query3['realtor_id'];
$address = $query3['address'];
$area = $query3['area'];
$subarea = $query3['subarea'];
$bedrooms = $query3['bedrooms'];
$bathrooms = $query3['bathrooms'];
$mls = $query3['mls'];
$age = $query3['age'];
$city = $query3['city'];
$category = $query3['category'];
$folder = $query3['folder'];
$salespitch = $query3['salespitch'];
$sold = $query3['sold'];
$rawprice = $query3['price'];
$price = number_format($rawprice);
$realtorquery = "Select fname, lname, city, company from realtor where id = '$realtor_id'";
$realtorquery2 = mysql_query($realtorquery);
$realtorquery3 = mysql_fetch_array($realtorquery2);
$fname = $realtorquery3['fname'];
$lname = $realtorquery3['lname'];
$company = $realtorquery3['company'];
$realtorcity = $realtorquery3['city'];
$realtorstate = $realtorquery3['state'];
$realtorcountry = $realtorquery3['country'];
$realtorpostal = $realtorquery3['postal'];
$realtoremail = $realtorquery3['email'];
$realtoraddress = $realtorquery3['address'];
$realtorphone = $realtorquery3['phone'];
$realtorfax = $realtorquery3['fax'];
$realtorpager = $realtorquery3['pager'];
$realtorurl = $realtorquery3['url'];
$realtorcompanyurl = $realtorquery3['companyurl'];
$realtorcompanylistingsurl = $realtorquery3['companylistingsurl'];
$adtype = '728x15'; include ("../inc/ads.php"); ?>
/" title=' echo "Commercial Property | Real Estate | $address | $city | $subarea"; ?>'>
$imagecheck = "$folder/big1.jpg";
if (file_exists($imagecheck)) {
/big1.jpg border=0 alt=' echo "Listed by realtor $fname $lname of $realtorcity"; ?>'>
} else { echo " "; }
View Details |
echo $city; ?> | echo $address; ?> | echo $bedrooms; ?> Bedroom(s) | echo $bathrooms;?> Bathroom(s) | Only $ echo $price; ?> |
if ($sold == "2") { echo "Sorry listing has been sold! "; }
echo $salespitch; ?> |
if ($header == "no") { echo "
Sorry there are no Commercial Listings at the moment.
Thank you for visiting, there are no Commercial Listing at this time, please click here to go back to the main listings page"; }
include(""); ?>
include("../inc/"); ?>
include("../inc/"); ?>