Residential Homes for sale. Residential Condos for sale. Residential Duplexes for sale. Free online listings service! For realtors! Free listings!
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"; } $header = "yes"; $realtor_id = $query3['realtor_id']; $address = $query3['address']; $area = $query3['area']; $subarea = $query3['subarea']; $bedrooms = $query3['bedrooms']; $bathrooms = $query3['bathrooms']; $mls = $query3['mls']; $age = $query3['age']; $city = $query3['city']; $category = $query3['category']; $folder = $query3['folder']; $salespitch = $query3['salespitch']; $sold = $query3['sold']; $rawprice = $query3['price']; $price = number_format($rawprice); if ($realtor_id) { $realtorquery = "Select fname, lname, city, company from realtor where id = '$realtor_id'"; $realtorquery2 = mysql_query($realtorquery); $realtorquery3 = mysql_fetch_array($realtorquery2); $fname = $realtorquery3['fname']; $lname = $realtorquery3['lname']; $company = $realtorquery3['company']; $realtorcity = $realtorquery3['city']; $realtorstate = $realtorquery3['state']; $realtorcountry = $realtorquery3['country']; $realtorpostal = $realtorquery3['postal']; $realtoremail = $realtorquery3['email']; $realtoraddress = $realtorquery3['address']; $realtorphone = $realtorquery3['phone']; $realtorfax = $realtorquery3['fax']; $realtorpager = $realtorquery3['pager']; $realtorurl = $realtorquery3['url']; $realtorcompanyurl = $realtorquery3['companyurl']; $realtorcompanylistingsurl = $realtorquery3['companylistingsurl']; } ?>
h1>Sorry there are no Residential Listings at the moment.

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Catagory: Residential | Houses | Condos | Duplexes |
/" title=''> /big1.jpg border=0 alt=''>
"; } ?> View Details
Bedroom(s) Bathroom(s)Only $

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"; } echo $salespitch; ?>